submit a Welcome form


We'd love you to get more involved in our community, and there are lots of ways you can get to know other people, grow in your relationship with God, and serve at church or elsewhere. If you're new to our 10am Sunday service, or perhaps have been attending for a while but want to get more connected, please complete the form below and we'll try to help you become more involved in church life.

Privacy Policy Information:
Please let us know the contact details that you would like us to know and use so that we can help you find your next steps. Your address and phone number might be used to help us provide pastoral care, or for administration purposes if you give financially; your mobile number might be used to text you in regards to our church services; your email address for general communications and rota management if you serve on a team. We will always treat your personal information with respect. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details on how we will store and use your personal data.