Bereavement Support


we provide support for those who have been bereaved, as well as for those supporting those who have been bereaved.

For those who have been bereaved, 1-1 support is available, and this usually consists of the opportunity to talk to someone who can listen and who can guide you to further help if needed. You may meet with this person more than once. This support is free of charge and available to all, regardless of whether you attend New Community Church.

The service also offers advice and resources to people supporting those who have been bereaved; for example, connect group leaders, friends and relatives can all access the service, to enable them to better support a bereaved person.

The Bereavement Support Team offers additional services, such as providing someone to speak at connect groups or leaders’ meetings (to educate people about bereavement and bereavement support), and day-long workshops entitled ‘Caring for the Bereaved’ (for pastoral workers of other churches). There may be a charge for these additional services.

For more information, or to access support or resources, please contact Nicola Symes on the following dedicated phone number: 07522 298050. (Please text or leave a message on the answerphone and Nicola will get back to you).